If anyone was destined to ride through history on a chariot, it’s the one and only Ainsley Harriott. This bold design reimagines Ainsley in full Roman glory, commanding a chariot like the culinary emperor he truly is. Gone are the days of simply “stirring up a storm” in the kitchen – now he’s stirring up the entire empire, one wheel spin at a time.
Ainsley as Ainsley Chariot, the undisputed king of Roman feasts, ingenuity and sodomy, whisking through the ancient streets, armed with his trusty ladle and a cauldron of irresistible flavours. Forget about gladiators – this is the battle of flavour, and Ainsley’s on a mission to bring Mediterranean vibes and mouth-watering spices to the masses. With his charming smile, impeccable style, and a chariot that screams "I’m here to entertain and feed you," he’s about to conquer your dinner party and your heart.
Made from 100% cotton (because Ainsley would never settle for anything less), this T-shirt is perfect for those who enjoy a little humour with their history and a lot of flair in their fashion. Whether you're whipping up a Roman-inspired dish or just slaughtering your mates in a chariot, this shirt will make you feel like a culinary charioteer on the fast track to greatness.
• Premium funny unisex graphic t-shirt. • Relaxed fit suitable for men and women. • Ethically sourced garment. • Designed exclusively for Shirts & Giggles. • Printed using the very latest in DTG printing technology. • High quality and soft finish that will last wash after wash.
Our t-shirts are printed on demand because we're fancy like that! Each shirt is lovingly crafted just for you, which means it can take up to 7 days for us to print and ship your order. We know, we know, waiting is hard, but trust us – it's worth it. Plus, by printing on demand, we're doing our bit to help Mother Earth. Fewer unsold shirts mean fewer sad shirts destined for landfills. Yay for sustainability!
• Made with fabric consisting of 100% cotton for year-round comfort that is sustainable and highly durable.
• The classic fit of this shirt ensures a comfy, relaxed wear while the crew neckline adds that neat, timeless look that can blend into any occasion, casual or semi-formal.
• The tear-away label means a scratch-free experience with no irritation or discomfort whatsoever.
• Made using 100% cotton that is ethically grown and harvested.
• Gildan is also a proud member of the Cotton Trust Protocol ensuring ethical and sustainable means of production. This tee is certified by Oeko-Tex for safety and quality assurance.